Author Archives: Yue Eames

Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno



Every person has a story.
Every person has a choice.

In Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno, Shishio was brutally struck down and set on fire by his comrades. He did not die.

Aoshi tried to save his men but none of them survived. He swore to make the name of their group the greatest.

Kenshin was once an assassin but he had a change of heart. He vowed never to kill again.

Three men, each with a different story. One started from bad to evil, another from good to bad and another from taking lives to protecting them.

In life you go through different experiences that somehow shape you. When someone experiences betrayal, it causes pain because, “The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.” But the story doesn’t end there. You have a choice. You always had, always do, always will have a choice.

When you choose to forgive and move on, the burden is lifted from your shoulders. BUT if you choose to hold on to the hurt, the anger and the pain, you’ll end up like Shishio. His scars and wounds are not only on the surface, they are buried in his heart; his soul is restless and filled with angst.

Forgiveness is more than just a process. It is a decision.

Forgiving may not be easy, make that decision anyway. Take the first step to your freedom from hate, anger and hurt. You’re going to be justified, just don’t take matters into your own hand. Those who hurt you are going to face the consequences of their actions but you don’t have to be the one to see to it; let go and let God.

Shishio has been given another chance to live, yet he failed to survive. When one dwells on the past, you cease to exist. If you’re too focused on plotting revenge that would take place in the future, you miss out on the great adventure before you.

Hate when nurtured can destroy the one who holds on to it.
Choose forgiveness over revenge.
Choose freedom over bondage.
Choose life over death.
Choose love over hate.

“Calm your heart.” (Nenji Kashiwazaki to Aoshi Shinomori)
It will all come to pass. Everything will be alright in the end.

Make the right choice.
Let go of the past.
Move forward.
Do not be like Shishio.
Better things are waiting ahead.

Carpe diem!

Crossroads and Decisions

Credits to the owner of the image.

In reality there are no repeats, no rewinds and definitely no undo button to rectify a mistake or change a life altering moment.
We’ve all been there, that one single second when our lives have forever been changed because we either took that step forward or retreated and never looked back. We’ve all been at a crossroad, needing to make a decision, weighing the pros and cons or sometimes just taking the plunge without even thinking about it. 

But what if the decision you made turned out to be a mistake (or so you think)?
What comes next?
Do you scold yourself? Wallow in regret? Replay the scenario in your mind, hoping it would change things? Or do you keep on blaming yourself for that single decision, for not listening to the inner voice or heeding the warning bells and red flags?

The truth hurts, but there’s really no turning back anymore. No matter how awful things may seem, no matter how bleak the situation, we must accept the fact that where we are, what we have, everything has been a consequence of what we have decided in the past.

What then is the recourse?

Credits to the owner of the image.

Pick yourself up. Forgive yourself for that wrong turn, learn from it and move forward. Do not let the mistake trap you in sorrow or regret. Look for the good in the bad.

Credits to the owner of the image.

It may not be easy to believe this, but know that there’s a reason why you are where you are right this moment. Do not give up. Better things are yet to come. Wait purposefully while the page has not yet been turned.

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” (‭Genesis‬ ‭28‬:‭15‬ NIV)

Don’t lose hope. This is not the end of your story. As someone once said, it’s just a plot twist. It’s bound to become better.

Be blessed and be a blessing. 🙂

Anger Hurts You

Credits to the owner of the image.

Anger can hurt.
It can destroy.
It ruins, not the recipient BUT you.

Yes you may have hurt the person through your actions or words, but at the end of the day, it’s you who suffers most.
Let go of the anger.
Liberate yourself from the negative emotions.

It is possible.
Through God’s grace you’ll heal.
Just let it go and let God take the reins.

Forgiveness and Peace

When someone hurts you, unintentionally or not, the impact creates a chasm between you and the person who caused the pain.
Sometimes the reaction would be to stay away from that person and to hold on to the anger or resentment.

If you think you are protecting yourself by withholding forgiveness, you are mistaken.
Dwelling on the pain and the offense against you, instead of finding it in your heart to forgive, steals your joy and your peace.

Release yourself from the stronghold of anger. Do not let bitterness win.
Remember that you are also a sinner.
You make mistakes.
But God keeps on forgiving you;
No matter the weight of your sin against God, no matter how much you hurt him, still, you are forgiven.
But wouldn’t it be wrong to say you forgive someone even if you know you haven’t yet?
Sometimes the pain is so intense, specially when trust is involved, that it’s difficult to just forgive and let it go.
Forgiveness is a process.
And when you have difficulty in forgiving, pray.
Ask God to give you wisdom, to give you peace, to let you find it in your heart to forgive the error.

You forgive for different reasons.
You forgive because you value the person.
You forgive because you know the person is worth another chance.
You forgive because you know that the person is more important than your pride.
You forgive because the person is not really his/her mistake; just like you are not your errors and shortcoming.
You forgive because you love.
You forgive because peace is in your nature.
You forgive because you have been forgiven, a thousand times, a million times by God.
You forgive because forgiveness is a gift, not only to the person but to yourself as well.

Wait Purposefully


When Waiting Seems the Hardest

Oh soul, why do you feel hopeless?

It’s the enemy feeding you lies.

Clear your mind.
Return to the center.
God speaks.
He whispers words
To soothe your heart,
Comfort your weary soul.

Take a deep breath.
Let go of what you can’t control.
Do not fret.


The hour may be dark,
Tomorrow may look bleak,
But never for a moment
Doubt when God speaks.
Just wait.

But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
(Isaiah‬ ‭40‬:‭31‬ NKJV)

When Doubt Eats You

Credits to the owner of the image.

You’re not born for mediocrity. NO.
You’re born for greatness.
Greatness isn’t how the world sees it or defines it.
Your purpose isn’t the same as that of someone else’s, for if everyone is created for the same purpose, it would defeat uniqueness and individuality.

It is not the competition that brings you down.
There will be critics no matter what you say or do.
There will be competitors in the race that you are in.
Do not be intimidated. They have their own battles as well.

The truth is, it’s not someone else who is your biggest competitor.
It’s yourself.
How you see yourself.
Your potential;
Your beliefs;
Your thoughts;
Your actions;
Your decisions.

How do you react when faced with challenges?
Do you fight or do you doubt that you can overcome?

Doubt kills.
Doubt steals.
Doubt stops.
Doubt destroys.
Doubt eats you and the person you’ve been created to be.

It starts with a single thought. A small voice that questions who you are and what you’re made of. Fight that negativity. Perish that thought. Do not let doubt eat you, for if you do, you won’t be able to reach your full potential.

Stop doubting. Start trusting. Trust that you are able. You are a masterpiece. God has equipped you with everything you need to conquer, to overcome any obstacle. And when you know you can’t do it alone, trust that God will get you through. Believe. Have faith.

Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” (‭Matthew‬ ‭21‬:‭21-22‬ NIV)

But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. (‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬ NIV)

When doubt eats you. Pray.
Do not let it consume you until you have nothing left but doubts.
Borrowing these words, “Don’t feed your doubt. Feed your faith.”
Soak in God’s words. Pray. Worship. Believe. Be in faith.

Be blessed and be a blessing. 🙂

You Are NOT Who or What They Say


Matchless in every way.
(Lines from the song: Here in Your Presence from New Life Worship)
Words used to describe and glorify God. Words that bless. Words that praise. Words that expresses awe. Words filled with love.

And then you might think, “But that is God, not me. It doesn’t describe who I am.”
Have you forgotten that you are created in the image and likeness of God?
You are a masterpiece. His wonderful work of art.

If only every single person believes how special he/she is…
If only everyone can see that he/she is beautiful…
If only everyone speaks words of encouragement, words of blessings…

In this day and age when beauty, success, accomplishment and lifestyle have been boxed or stereotyped, it is easy to listen to the noise. You can fall into the trap of thinking you are not good enough, you are not beautiful, you are not successful… STOP!

Tune out the noise and go back to the center of it all. Turn to the one who created you. Listen to the voice of God and not the noise of the world.

No. You are not bad luck. You ARE a BLESSING.
You are wonderful.
You are strong.
You are special.
You are deeply loved.
You are unique.
You are talented.
You are needed.
You are victorious.

For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you.
(Psalm 139:13-18 NIV)

Listen to the one who created you.
Be blessed and be a blessing! 🙂

Take the Stairs, Don’t Quit

Credits to the owner of the image.

Success is sweet. But behind every success is a story.

When you have a goal, you give your best to reach it; sometimes you do, sometimes you don’t. What happens when you experience a delay or a negative result? Do you stop and surrender?

Success isn’t achieved overnight. It is a product of both small and big decisions and actions.

Even if we live in a world of technological advancements, success is still not being served with the flick of your fingers. You have to take the stairs if you want to get to the top. Don’t quit at the first signs of adversity. Don’t turn around when you “fail”. Sometimes, it’s not a failure but a mere delay in your time line. These instances happen, not because you are weak or you don’t deserve it, BUT because your character is being shaped to prepare you for the next chapter.

Don’t give up when you face a mountain. Climb over it. Walk around it. Keep on moving.

Go ahead, take the stairs, one step at a time. Before you know it, you have reached the top. Be in faith.

Be blessed and be a blessing.

Pursue Excellence


There are moments in life when we experience defeat, failure or setback, BUT life doesn’t stop there. That single moment doesn’t define us or who we are as a person. It’s just that, a single moment.

Yes, failure can hurt. BUT there’s more to it. Think of it as a lesson that you have to go through, to prune you, to teach you something, to make you a better person.

Acknowledge the pain BUT don’t stop there. Accept the defeat (hard as it may sound), get back on your feet and move on. There are a lot of doors waiting for you. Do not let a single delay in your plans stop you from becoming the person you have been created to become.

Pursue excellence. Be bold. Be brave. Be strong and courageous. Know who you are and whose you are. You are a child of God. When He says something, He delivers. Focus on Him and not your circumstances and your perspective is going to change. Remember, His time, not yours. 🙂

Do not be afraid to get back on the road and try again. You can do it. You’re born for greatness not mediocrity.

Be blessed and be a blessing. 🙂