Category Archives: Random Thoughts

“Remind thyself…

“Remind thyself, in the darkest moments, that every failure is only a step toward success, every detection of what is false directs you toward what is true, every trial exhausts some tempting form of error, and every adversity will only hide, for a time, your path to peace and fulfillment. ”
― Og Mandino

Be Thankful


Credits to the owner of the image.

Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don’t know something,
for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations,
because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge,
because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes.
They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you’re tired and weary,
because it means you’ve made a difference.

It’s easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who
are also thankful for the setbacks.

Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
and they can become your blessings.

 Author Unknown

“Be not afraid …

“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” -William Shakespeare

“It is better t…

“It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.” -Nelson Mandela

Leadership does not always mean being the one in front or on stage, you must know when to step up and when to step down.

Life’s Lessons From a Ball

English: Former basketball player Michael Jordan

English: Former basketball player Michael Jordan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Basketball isn’t just something you play for fun. It’s something you feel. All you have to do is believe in yourself and put the ball into the basket. You have to try and dare to win. If you discourage yourself you’re only going to fail. But if you try, if you believe in yourself, if you practice and work your butt off to become the best. And you show your opponent that you’re sure of what you do, you win the game the second you step on the court.

Just Do It.

– From Nike

Basketball is one sport that I love to watch. The excitement, suspense and adrenalin rush that you experience when watching games with scores too close for comfort, really keeps you alert. Every second counts, every shot matters, every possession is important, every play can make a difference and every decision can affect the outcome.

The quote is right, basketball is indeed something you feel. It is more than a ball game. It is more than an entertainment. Basketball is filled with lessons, and not just technical rules on basketball but things that you can apply in life.

Here are some musings from watching basketball:

-Be prepared.

You cannot come to the game without training and practice, chances are, you are going to lose big time. The same is true in life, you have to prepare for whatever task or goal that you need to accomplish.

-Arrive earlier than the scheduled game

Players have to warm up before the actual game to avoid injuries and make sure they are in proper condition to play. It’s part of the preparation. In life, you have to be early or be left out.

-Focus on the “NOW”

The last game is already a thing of the past and so is the last shot, the last play, etc., players focus on the present moment because it is what matters. Yes you have to learn from past mistakes, but that’s it, the keyword is LEARN and not dwell. Yes you have to look forward to the future, but it is not here yet and what you do right now is going to affect that. In basketball and in life, if you focus too much on your past failures/mistakes and keep on anticipating the future, you are not going to get anywhere, focus on the “NOW”, learn from your mistakes but move on.

-Every second counts

Anything can happen in 28 seconds, even in 3 seconds. Make every moment count. 🙂

-You cannot please everyone

You’re definitely going to have supporters and critics. It is important to have a strong grasp of who you really are, to know your purpose and God’s design for you so that you will not break. Improve on what needs improvement but do not be discouraged over negative things or comments.

-The ball is round

You don’t know what’s going to happen, but no matter what the outcome may be, remember that God has better plans. His ways are better than ours. Be thankful for the opportunity and look forward to what He has in store. 🙂

-Do not lose hope

Just when you think it’s over, the tide turns, or rather the ball game changes and you’re on the lead, so up to the very last moment, do not waver. Keep the faith alive. 🙂

-There is a time for everything

As stated in Ecclesiastes, “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” You may not be the champion but what’s important is that you played your best, fair and square. Perhaps it’s just not your season BUT never ever give up, you’re going to have your moment to shine. 🙂

And in closing I’d like to quote the greatest player of all time, Michael Jordan, “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”

Anticipate and Find

20130613-074221.jpgFrom the book “Progress of Another Pilgrim” by Frances J. Roberts

We want to thrive in this busy world, that more often than not, we search for things to satisfy our needs but still feel that something is missing. A lot of people might not agree but only God can complete us, not our possessions, achievements and other worldly adventures. Find time to just be still and communicate with God, we don’t have to travel far to find Him, for when we open our hearts and listen, He will speak to us and only then can we hear Him. 🙂

Love is Stronger


10080001 (Photo credit: moodboardphotography)

My uncle‘s dog is sitting comfortably on our front lawn, waiting patiently for his owner. The dog accompanies him wherever he goes. When he goes to our house everyday to chat with my dad (as if it has been a long time since they last saw each other, they just never run out of things to talk about), the dog sits on our lawn, observing the surroundings or sometimes taking a nap while the siblings continue to bond. It’s such a nice picture, my dad and uncle laughing out loud on the porch and a furry friend on the lawn.

It would have been a pretty normal thing to have the dog around but not today. It’s my uncle’s birthday.

My mom had goosebumps when she saw the dog sitting comfortably there, it has been a long time since my uncle’s buddy did that. Dad said that it reminds him of the times when he and his younger brother would spend time together talking about anything under the sun. No, they did not have any falling out of any sorts, they remained the best of friends. But then my uncle has left, the Big C took him away. 😦

The diagnosis came out in 2011, it was summer. None of us expected that someone full of life, always laughing, energetic, rarely gets a cold, and still at the prime of his life, in fact has an illness called Prostate Cancer. It’s already in the late stage. According to WebMD, “Prostate cancer is typically a very slow growing tumor, often causing no symptoms until it is in an advanced stage.” That’s exactly what happened to him. The cancer has metastasized to his bones, at first affecting his mobility and then later on his whole body. It was painful to see him go through such suffering, his energy depleting each passing day.

I can still vividly recall the last time we visited him at the hospital, his eyes were dull, gone was the spark and the teasing glint. His sadness permeates, his hands holding on to the railing of the hospital bed, as if trying to hold on to life. The atmosphere that day seemed so heavy, that even the hospital elevator felt like it was grieving. A few days later, less than a year since the diagnosis, he left us.

We miss him very much. He may no longer be physically present but he will always stay in our hearts.

I strongly agree with the person who said that, “Love is stronger than death even though it can’t stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries, it can’t separate people from love. It can’t take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death.”

I Know You’re There by Casting Crowns

What if you only have a single breath left? A single song? A single moment? How would you spend it? How would you make the most out of it?

-Casting Crowns-

If all I had was one last breath
I’d spend it just to sing Your praise
Just to say Your name
If all I had was one last prayer
I’d pray it ’cause I know You’re always listening
If I could live a thousand lives, bind the hands of time
I would spend every moment by Your side

’cause I, I know You’re there, I know You see me
You’re the air I breathe
You are the ground beneath me
I know You’re there, I know You hear me
I can find You anywhere

If all I had was one more song to sing
I would raise a noise to make the heavens ring
If all I had was one last chance, I’d take it
I would stake it all on You

If I could raise up high and catch a glimpse of every eye
I would make them believe
What I feel inside

If I could live a thousand lives and bind the hands of time
If I could rise up high and catch a glimpse of every eye

I know You’re there
I know You’re there
I know You’re there, You’re there

Quotes from The Alchemist

English: The Alchemist

English: The Alchemist (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

An international bestseller written by Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist tells the story of an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago and his journey to Egypt, in search of his own personal legend. The book is a great read for those who have dreams; and for those who don’t have dreams or those who are still uncertain as to their dream, The Alchemist may prove a great help in discovering personal legends.

Here are some quotes/texts from the book:

It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting… (Santiago‘s thoughts)

It’s the simple things in life that are most extraordinary; only wise men are able to understand them. ~Gypsy

Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own. (Santiago‘s thoughts)

“It’s this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That’s the world’s greatest lie.” ~Melchizedek, King of Salem

“The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.” ~Wise Man

“I’m like everyone else – I see the world in terms of what I would like to see happen, not what actually does.” ~Santiago

There must be a language that doesn’t depend on words. (Santiago‘s thoughts)

“You must always know what it is that you want.” ~King

“…every blessing ignored becomes a curse…” ~Old Man, Merchant

“Never stop dreaming, follow the omens.” ~King

“There’s no such thing as coincidence.” ~Englishman

“…people need not fear the unknown if they are capable of achieving what they need and want.” ~Camel Driver

“…And when you can’t go back, you have to worry only about the best way of moving forward…” ~Camel Driver

“Everyone has his or her own way of learning things.” ~Santiago

“…If you can concentrate always on your present, you’ll be a happy man… Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is the moment we’re living right now.” ~Santiago

“It’s not what enters men’s mouth that’s evil, it’s what comes out of their mouths that is.” ~The Alchemist

“Life attracts life.” ~The Alchemist

“Men dream more about coming home than about leaving.” ~Santiago

“There is only one way to learn, it’s through action…” ~Santiago

“Usually the threat of death makes people a lot more aware of their lives.” ~The Alchemist

“When you are loved, there’s no need at all to understand what’s happening, because everything happens within you…” ~Santiago

“Where your treasure is, there also will be your heart.” ~The Alchemist

Fear of Greatness and the Unknown

English: First hurdle overcome! Next part of t...

English: First hurdle overcome! Next part of the beach, looking away from Durdle Pier, below YOI. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear
is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness,
that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually who are we not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people
won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine as children do.
We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And when we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

Marianne Williamson

Have you ever felt that you’re born for a particular purpose, that you’re destined for greatness? Do you have a calling that you have tried to deny for a long time, fearing that you are not good enough or that it’s impossible?

A few months from now, in October to be exact, I will be facing one of the biggest giants in my life; a test that will separate the boys from the men; a test that will decide a future filled with responsibilities. A storm is raging within me, confused, fearful yet excited; I know I wanted to excel in this field, to achieve something beyond what the average person deems possible. But then again, there is this inner fear that seems to drag me down, wrecking havoc on my calm disposition; a denial that has led me to thinking of the “what ifs” of living a simple life, of less responsibilities, something less. One thing is for sure, I want to succeed and pursue greatness, to live the life written for me long before I was born.

Abraham Maslow called this the Jonah Complex. According to him, it is “The evasion of one’s own growth, the setting of low levels of aspiration, the fear of doing what one is capable of doing, voluntary self-crippling, pseudo-stupidity, mock humility.” The Wikipedia says that this originated from Maslow’s friend Professor Frank Manuel. According to the Wikipedia: “The Jonah Complex is the fear of success which prevents self-actualization, or the realization of one’s potential. It is the fear of one’s own greatness, the evasion of one’s destiny, or the avoidance of exercising one’s talents.” The description is from Maslow’s “The Farther Reaches of Human Nature“. The theory is from the story of Jonah, a character in the bible called to preach in Nineveh but chose to run away thinking he’s not good enough but God has his way of saying otherwise, and bringing into completion what Jonah was called for.

Fear of failure is bad enough, and fear of success cripples us. Fear hinders our growth, it suppresses our potential.

The bible encourages courage and determination, it says: “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34

Embrace the calling, follow the path to greatness.  🙂